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FAQ & Terms and Conditions
competition 2026

What kind of work can be submitted?

Any professional and innovative idea or research work from aesthetic medicine field (the “Field”) can be submitted. Examples include, but are not limited to, pre-clinical or clinical work, innovations in the field of anatomy or novel observations from daily clinical practice.


Who can submit their work?

Submissions are encouraged from ambitious talents who wish to share their innovative concepts with a global community of experts. Candidates can be researchers or practitioners, including junior or senior residents, fellows, or clinicians in aesthetic medicine.


The submitted abstract will be divided into two categories: Healthcare professionals with less than 5 years of experience in the aesthetic medicine and healthcare professionals with more than 5 years of experience in aesthetic medicine. An expert panel of global aesthetic medicine opinion leaders will consider the individual’s level of experience when evaluating the work. While co-authored works may be submitted, only the submitter will be considered for the competition. Current or past Merz Group consultants or trainers are allowed to submit a scientific abstract as well.


Please be aware that employees of pharmaceutical/aesthetics companies cannot be considered for this initiative.


Where and when can work be submitted?

Your scientific abstract must be submitted at The next submission term will start in January 2026 and will end May 2026. Possible deadline extensions will be announced on the website.


Are there any formal framework conditions for the preparation of the scientific abstract?

Yes. The scientific abstract must be structured like a classic academic paper including and separated by paragraphs:


Name of Author


Material and Methods




The work must be described in a PDF format with a maximum of 400 words and maximum 4 graphs/images in English language.


What happens after submission?

After the submission deadline, Merz Aesthetics together with an independent international expert panel (the “Panel”) appointed by Merz Aesthetics Medical Affairs will review all submitted work per category and choose from each category five best submissions. Criteria for the Panel’s choices are: (1) level of innovation, (2) practical relevance/ potential, (3) methodology, (4) at the panel’s discretion. Merz Aesthetics does not exert influence over the selection of the submitted abstracts; its role solely entails a review for potential patent infringements and assessing the validity of submissions. Merz Aesthetics will not use your work results for any other than the described purpose, unless explicitly agreed with the submitter. However, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.


What if my work is shortlisted?

The finalists per each category are asked to produce a short video about their work. A professional video team will edit and cut the videos and publish them on an external online platform from Merz Aesthetics Medical Affairs. The winner will have the chance to give a live lecture during the global Merz Aesthetics Global Expert Summit (MEXS) in fall 2026. Each lecture must be held in English.


How is the winner chosen and what is the prize?

The published video will be rated by the Panel (50%) along with the aesthetic community (50%) by voting. The finalist with the highest score will be declared the winner of the Innovation Forum 2026 per category and will be invited to hold a lecture during the MEXS 2026. The winner’s lecture must be held in English. Additionally, the winners per each category will receive an educational start-up grant valued at € 10,000.*


The other 8 finalists will be invited to participate at the MEXS 2026 in-person. Winners and finalists will be fully compensated for travel and accommodation to MEXS 2026. An honorarium will not be paid.


* The educational start-up grant is only designated for educational or scientific purposes in the Field, e.g.: purchasing laboratory equipment, hiring a scientific employee, publication fees, medical or scientific education, attending scientific conferences, (inter)national scientific collaboration projects involving travel. This list serves as an example and does not claim to be exhaustive. Merz Aesthetics reserves the right to monitor the educational start-up grant's usage exclusively for the aforementioned purposes. The details will be agreed in a separate written educational grant agreement with the winners, which will include rights for Merz Aesthetics to enable it to verify that the grant is in fact used for the agreed intended purpose in the Field.


Anything unclear?

For additional questions please contact us at


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